In the heart of one of the most attractive metropolitan cities: The Eurocentres languages school is just a few minutes' walk from the harbor. Learn English on Canada's west coast with a language study stay in Vancouver – and enjoy 'Hollywood North'. Classes are small with just 10 to 14 students and the teacher have time to individually support everyone while discovering and correcting linguistic problems. Enchanting nature meets high tech: With a long – term course, you will be able to enjoy Vancouver's beauty for even longer.


General English - Basic
Full Time IELTS - Basic
TOEFL/TOEIC - Intensive
Business English - Intensive
General English - Intensive
Full Time IELTS- Intensive
CAE,FCE - Super Intensive
General English - Super Intensive
Full Time IELTS - Super Intensive



Accomadation Fee : $230
Homestay Room




Prices can be Calculated at the Fee Calculator.

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